Thinking about retirement?

Retirement represents an entirely new chapter in life, yet most people do little to prepare for personal changes that come with it. Based in research on retirement adjustment and wellbeing, we focus on key areas to help people navigate a smooth transition and design a fulfilling new lifestyle.


Help others prepare.

Are you working with pre-retirees?

Go to the heart of the issues that retirees face with research-based insights on retirement wellbeing. We provide in-depth, personalised training and support around the social-psychological side of retirement, enabling you to provide more focused support for retiring clients and employees.


Go to the heart of the issues that retirees face.

Based in research on social and psychological adjustments to retirement, we understand the unique challenges that are often encountered, and how to navigate them. Applying these research-based insights, we provide programmes for pre-retirees, as well as training for coaches and other professionals who are looking to change the way people prepare for retirement.

  • We provide evidence-based training for coaches and other professionals who are working with retirees and pre-retirees. Our courses focus on the social-psychological transition to retirement, and how to better support wellbeing in the transition to retirement.

    See Courses

  • We provide personalised support for organisations and professionals looking to integrate retirement life planning with current offerings.

    Contact us to learn more

  • For individuals going through the retirement transition, we offer different coaching programmes designed to meet personal interests and needs for retirement planning.

    Learn more


Start preparing.

Retirement is both financial and personal, often full of complexities and mixed emotions. Our programmes help to clarify your personal vision and navigate a smooth transition to a fulfilling retirement.


Book a complimentary consultation. 

Not sure where to start? Book a complimentary consultation for quick tips.

“It was well thought out, evidence based, and addressed an aspect of retirement that is largely overlooked. It was thought provoking and encouraging as to rewarding ways forward.”

-Simon Eedle, on the Retirement Life Plan Workshop -


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