Based in research on retirement adjustment and wellbeing, Retirement Life Plan provides products and services for both individuals in the retirement transition, and professionals who are working with them—e.g., coaches, counselors, financial planners, and employers.
Retirement Life Plan developed out of the current focus on the importance of wellbeing at work—with the question, “what happens next?” While a great deal of energy is put into promoting meaningful and engaging work, it is often assumed that retirement will be a breeze.
Because work is often a very meaningful and rewarding part of life, retirement can present significant adjustments and challenges. We have researched the social and psychological adjustments that are specific to retirement, in order to provide more targeted support around this transition. Our mission is to provide resources that will help retirees to thrive with their new lifestyle, outside of work.
Social and psychological changes
We focus specifically on the social and psychological aspects of retirement, including identity adjustments, changes in social networks and relationships, and engagement in daily pursuits. We also collaborate with financial advisors and other professionals who specialize in other important aspects of retirement.
A Global Community of Coaches
Our global network of Certified Retirement Life Coaches combines diverse professional backgrounds, expertise, and a shared commitment to supporting individuals and organizations in navigating retirement transitions. Each coach is highly qualified and deeply specialized in guiding individuals through the personal and psychological adjustments of retirement.
With ongoing education, peer collaboration, and a passion for supporting others in the retirement transition, our coaches are equipped to design and deliver tailored solutions for both individuals and employers. They partner with clients to create impactful retirement planning programs, and provide support during this significant life transition. Whether working with individuals or teams, our community is dedicated to fostering fulfilling post-work chapters for all.
Pauline Johnson-Zielonka, PhD
Founder, Retirement Life Pan
As the founder of Retirement Life Plan, and a fellow of the Institute for Social Innovation, Pauline provides training and resources for coaches and other professionals around retirement life planning. With a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems, and a background in Industrial Psychology, Pauline brings together knowledge and tools from fields of Positive Psychology, Social Psychology, and Industrial Psychology (psychology in the workplace) in her approach to understanding the retirement transition.
After completing her doctorate, Pauline conducted a comprehensive review of research on social-psychological adjustments and challenges in retirement. The findings of this research led to an in-depth understanding of experiences unique to the retirement transition, and programs designed to better prepare pre-retirees for common adjustments.
In addition to her work around the retirement transition, Pauline has over a decade of experience working closely with psychological assessments used for team-building, leadership development, and recruitment. She has experience and training with StyleView and CareerView Assessments, Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Inventory, and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory, Lominger 360 Assessment, and Strengths Deployment Inventory.
Pauline earned her Bachelor's in Psychology from University of Nevada, Reno in 2006. She then spent one year studying and practicing hypnotherapy at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California before going on to earn her PhD in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University in 2012. Since 2016, she has continued her research and work as a Fellow of the Institute for Social Innovation.
Who is it for?
Retirees and pre-retirees
With the prospect of retirement fast-approaching, many people begin to question whether they really want to retire—is it right for you? Will you regret it? And how will you spend your time in meaningful ways?
Employers wishing to build their employer brand, retain valuable knowledge, and maintain access to a flexible workforce may want to show compassion and provide support for retiring employees.
Life and executive coaches
Experienced coaches may want to develop more specialized knowledge with this life transition. With aging populations around the world, coaches are finding many new and existing clients facing this new chapter.
Financial planners and other professionals
Other professionals working with clients in the retirement transition may wish to further support and build their client relationships.