
What does retirement mean to you?

Retirement is different for everyone. Clarify your personal vision.


Retirement wellbeing

Work may contribute to wellbeing in various ways. Discover key elements of retirement wellbeing, and how to incorporate these into your vision.



Just as we all thrive on different career paths, a fulfilling retirement looks quite different from one person to the next. Reflect on what retirement means for you.


Take action

Both financial planning and life planning are linked to more positive adjustment outcomes in retirement. Generate ideas and take steps toward a successful transition.

 Not sure where to start?

Book a complimentary consultation for quick tips and advice.


Retirement life coaching

Our one-to-one coaching packages provide tailored support with the retirement transition. They will not only help you design a personalized, long-term vision, but also help you prepare for potential bumps along the way.


Exploring Retirement

This introductory session is perfect for those who are just starting to consider retirement, want some quick tips, or who want to review an existing plan. With this session, you can gain clarity and confidence with your retirement plans, knowing what you need to focus on next.

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Navigating Retirement

This detailed programme of coaching addresses all the areas critical for a successful transition into a fulfilling retirement. It explores the key anchors of retirement wellbeing, places them in the context of your current lifestyle and supports you in developing your detailed retirement vision.

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Mastering Retirement

This comprehensive coaching programme will enable you to design, implement and achieve a successful transition to a fulfilling retirement. It addresses your current plans and readiness, the key anchors of wellbeing in retirement, your values and personal preferences, and enables you to develop a compelling vision for your retirement. It includes optional sessions for a partner, leading to a detailed long term action plan with additional coaching to support your implementation.

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What People Are Saying


“The workshop provided the structure for people to think about retirement and I wish I had the opportunity to take part in something like this whilst I was still working.

— Ian Forbes


“It was helpful to envisage retirement as a transition rather than a sudden full-stop and think of what that transition might look like.”

— John Baker

“It was well thought out; evidence based; addressed an aspect of ‘retirement’ that is largely overlooked; thought provoking; encouraging as to rewarding ways forward.”

— Simon Eedle


“I was already clear on the financial planning for my retirement, but…I was somewhat apprehensive about taking the final step to move into retirement…I finished the session with much more confidence about my future in retirement and certainty about when I want to make the changes.”

— Coaching Client

 How ready are you?

Retirement readiness is about both financial and personal readiness. Take our short assessment of your personal readiness for retirement.

Four Tips for Creating a Retirement Life Plan

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What is retirement life coaching?

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The Last Day of Work Before Retirement

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Planning for Retirement as a Couple

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 Start preparing.


Retirement Life Planning Resources

Our retirement life planning resources are a simple way to begin designing your personal vision for a fulfilling new lifestyle. Explore how you will spend your time in retirement, as well as how to prepare for common adjustments and challenges.


Retirement Life Coaching

Our one-to-one coaching programmes provide tailored support with the retirement transition. They will not only help you design a personalized, long-term vision, but also help you prepare for potential bumps along the way.