What does retirement mean to you?
Retirement is different for everyone. Browse our resources and clarify your personal vision.
Retirement wellbeing
Discover key elements of retirement wellbeing, and how to incorporate these into your vision.
Just as we all thrive on different career paths, a fulfilling retirement looks quite different from one person to the next. Reflect on what retirement means for you.
Take action
Both financial planning and life planning are linked to more positive adjustment outcomes in retirement. Generate ideas and take steps toward a successful transition.
Not sure where to start?
Connect with a Certified Retirement Life Coach.
Start Preparing
With a financial plan in place, retirement planning becomes more about how to spend your time in a meaningful and personally fulfilling way. After so many years spent working, retirement life planning is about helping you to make the most of this chapter in life.
How ready are you?
Take our short assessment of your personal, non-financial readiness for retirement. This is just a starting point to see what areas you may want to focus on.
Explore and Prepare
Check out our self-help resources, from books and workbooks to communities, to begin preparing for and designing a fulfiling new chapter—whether planned it is a planned or unanticipated change.
Get Personalized Support
For more personalised support, join a workshop or browse coaching options in our community of Certified Retirement Life Coaches.

How ready are you?
Retirement readiness is about both financial and personal readiness. Take our short readiness for retirement quiz.
Workshops & Events
Browse our events page for workshops, seminars, or other events hosted by Certified Retirement Life Coaches.
Four Tips for Creating a Retirement Life Plan
What is retirement life coaching?
The Last Day of Work Before Retirement
Planning for Retirement as a Couple
Based on research on retirement adjustment, Retirement Life Plan: Navigating the transition from a rewarding career covers key areas of retirement adjustment and wellbeing.is about the personal, life changes that may be encountered as you contemplate, prepare for, and adjust to life in retirement. It will help you consider what a fulfilling retirement means to you, personally, and create a long-term vision for it. For instance, what will you do after traveling in the early part of retirement? It explores four general aspects of the retirement transition, including identity-related adjustments, activities that provide a sense of meaning and reward, relationship and social network changes, and finding a balance between being overly busy or bored.